TREPKO has utilized their extensive experience and expertise to construct the most compact and hygienic Bag-In-Box line to date. By incorporating the latest technological advancements, we have successfully consolidated multiple machines that previously occupied a significant amount of floor space into a single frame. This new design occupies less than half of the original space required and offers a centralized point of operation, minimizing the risk of communication failures between machines.
Additionally, the integration of a box erector eliminates the need for pre-erected box storage, resulting in further space savings. Furthermore, the entire machine including box erector can be operated by a single line operator.
The implementation of advanced technology enables the detection of correctly inserted bags and incorporates an automatic reject system, thereby enhancing machine efficiency. Moreover, individual safety zones have been incorporated, allowing operators to access different areas as needed, thereby reducing machine downtime.
TREPKO also provide a significantly reduced risk of product contamination by incorporating “clean-air” chambers, which are created using HEPA filters. Additionally, there is an option to include a vacuum and gas injection process before sealing the bag, which effectively reduces the residual oxygen content and extends the shelf life of the product.
This flexible solution can accommodate a wide range of products, with the ability to quickly switch between different box and bag sizes.
During INTERPACK 2023, TREPKO’s Bag-In-Box machine from the Bulk-filler programme generated substantial interest through live demonstrations. The impressive display of innovative features and advanced technology captivated industry professionals.The interactive nature of the demonstrations further showcased the machine’s capabilities and their potential benefits for businesses.
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